Just 3 Baby Steps…

A Mindfulness Meditation practice creates change; but, not the kind of change one might put into their piggy bank. We’re talking about life-altering change where old restrictive thought patterns turn into a kaleidoscopic pattern of positive and productive changes. 

The first step to change is CURIOSITY. It’s all about the openness to explore, to investigate, and to stir that childlike quality of “just wanting to know”. Yes, we can research, we can listen to others’ experiences, we can read about it, but until we actually place a toe in the water or experience it for ourselves, will we ever truly know, from our own perspective, if it’s truly right for us. Only we alone can determine if a Mindfulness Meditation will help us meet our challenges and accommodate us with a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

“Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.” Linus Pauling

The second step to creating change is AWARENESS. You must be aware that you need some changes in your life, in the way you think, in the way you feel and in the way you act, before you can move forward with a more positive approach to counter your negative daily habits of mind.

Anxiety, stress, worry, self-doubt, depression, emotional and physical suffering, and disenchantment with relationships and work are all indications that CHANGE is warranted.

Sometimes we are disconnected with the idea that many challenges in our external world have a direct effect on our physical well-being; yet, there is plenty of research to support the mind-body connection.

“One way to look at meditation is as a kind of intrapsychic technology that's been developed over thousands of years by traditions that know a lot about the mind/body connection.” - Jon Kabat-Zinn

The third step to change is EFFORT.  A daily Mindfulness Meditation practice requires intention, desire, and discipline. It’s doesn’t require sitting in an uncomfortable position, sitting for extended periods of time, (I suggest my new students find only 5 minutes to begin this wondrous journey), repeating words or chanting a mantra. As long as you are able to breathe, you are a viable candidate. No goal is ever accomplished without effort or energy.

“Success is dependent on effort.” - Sophocles

These three baby steps can change your life for the better, can help you meet your personal challenges effectively, and can bring a meaningful sense of self, joy, and happiness into your day to day life.