No Matter Where you live!

Whether you live in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Tampa, Canada, England or the world over, you can learn about Mindfulness Meditation from your own home.

The benefits of a Mindfulness practice are well documented and scientifically substantiated. Mindfulness is an effective tool in treating mental health conditions such as anxiety, stress, self-doubt, low self-esteem, PTSD, ADD, and depression to name just a few! And there is evidence to support Mindfulness effectively lowers blood pressure, treats skin conditions, chronic pain, strengthens the immune system, alleviates insomnia and also has an impact on the physical healing process.

However, without a meditation practice, Mindfulness is extremely difficult to achieve.  Mindfulness is simply one of many forms of Meditation. At the Meditation Tree, I teach the “How’s” and “Why’s” of MINDFULNESS MEDITATION. With our online ZOOM Classes (and that’s all I offer at this time), I teach the method of establishing a daily meditation practice based upon the technique of Vipassana (Insight) Meditation. That is the foundation of a Mindfulness practice, i.e., creating a mindful lifestyle by changing one’s relationship to their 50,000+ daily thoughts, contrary to the belief that meditation is about stopping our thoughts. A Mindfulness Meditation practice is about creating an awareness of thoughts so we can learn to make better choices about having healthier responses to them.

My Zoom classes utilize power point and lecture as well as incorporating a graduated time for some group meditation within the class over the six weekly 90 minute sessions. Why Zoom? It works (as testimonials affirm) and because with Zoom I can reach individuals beyond the Los Angeles Area and even in the United States, Canada, and beyond who can and will benefit from the practice if they are willing to commit to a daily practice. Just take the first class and you will know if Mindfulness Meditation is calling to you!  More info on classes is available at